OGs live and work in all corners of the world, and many old Grammarians continue to have close friendships with each other wherever they may be. To strengthen connections among the far flung OGS community, we propose to establish OGS chapters in cities where there is a critical mass of Old Grammarians.

# City Office Bearers Contact
1. UK
  • Akbar Merchant, Class of 1999 – President
  • Lala Rafiq, Class of 1995 – Vice President
  • Salma Moin Jaffri Class of 1990 – Member
  • Yasmeen Blair Class of 2000 – Member
  • Danesh Gilani Class of 2008 – Member
2. New York
  • Asad Haider, Class of 1991 – President
  • Bilal Sikander, Class of 1996 – Vice President
  • Sassi Effendi, Class of 2001 – Member
3. San Francisco
  • Nadir Rehman, Class of 1991  – President
  • Jawad Tareen, Class of 1989 – Voice President
  • Rizwan Hussain, Class of 1991 – Secretary
4. Toronto
  • Anusha Khan, Class of 1987 – President
  • Saeed Ahmed Dadabhoy, Class of 1980 – Vice President
  • Qazi Fakhir Jamil, Class of 1989 – Member
5. Dubai
  • Sanniya Qureshi, Class of 1999 – President
  • Asif Pesnani, Class of 2001 – Vice President
  • Faisak Khan, Class of 1986 – Member
  • Nadiya Kassam, Class of 1994 – Member
6. Lahore
  • Khadija Malik, Class of 1996 – President
  • Kulsum Nabeel, Class of 2007 – Vice President
  • Sadaf Rehman, Class of 1986 – Treasurer
7. Washington DC
  • M Ali Syed – President
  • Myra Khan – Vice President
  • Hussain Dhanani – Secretary
  • Adnan Hyder – Member
  • Shazmah Hakim – Member
  • Adil Husain – Member
  • Luqman Ghauri – Member
  • Reyaz Haque – Member
  • Uzair Younus – Member
8. Turkey
  • Ambereen Hussain, Class of 1997 – President
9. Dallas
  • Fauzan Qureshi, Class of 1992 – President
  • Saba Sayeed, Class Of 1993 – Vice President
  • Aassia Haroon Haq, Class of 1992 – Member
10. Los Angeles
  • Aun Ali Sangji, Class of 1999 – President
  • Sualeha Ansari Khan, Class of 1999 – Vice President
  • Danyal Gilani, Class of 2009 – Member
  • Ausha M Ghazi, Class of 2008 – Member
11. Houston
  • Amena Tareen, Class of 1997 – President
  • M. Khurram Saadat, Class Of 1996 – Vice President
  • Farhat Husain, Class of 1977 – Member
12. South East Asia
  • Huma Lodhi, Class of 1988 – President
  • Sonia Rehman, Class of 1991 – Vice President
  • Narmeen Khan, Class of 1993 – Secretary
  • Ridah Sheikh Khan, Class of 1992 – Member
  • Salmen Shoaib, Member

To establish an OGS Chapter the following steps are suggested:

  • Someone in each of the above locations should volunteer to serve as the OGS Chapter President for the first year (2017). The format of the Executive Committee of each chapter shall be President, Vice President and three members. The combined average alumni age shall be 20-25 years. This is to insure that youngsters are also part of the teams.

Once a Chapter President is selected, s/he needs to:

  • Create a list of OGs residing in their area
  • Invite local OGs to one event within six months of forming the Chapter
  • Keep OGS central informed about what the Chapter is doing

The aim of establishing OGS Chapters is for OGs to have a platform to connect with each other. This should not be a bureaucratic exercise; instead, we prefer that local chapters connect and do what makes most sense for their local members. We know from experience that when there is a person or small group with the energy and enthusiasm to bring OGs together, everyone appreciates it.

Aims and Objectives;

  1. Networking amongst alumni.
  2. Support to KGS.
  3. Student support via scholarships, internships and jobs.
  4. Fundraising for the OGS.
  5. They need to create a database for their region and share with the central office in Pakistan.
  6. Recruit KGS graduates to become members of the OGS network.
  7. Where possible, incorporate the Chapter, register it as a charitable institution and thereby get tax breaks on the donations.

If you are interested to organise a local Chapter of OGS in your city, please fill this FORM. (Login required)