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The Old Grammarians’’ Society (OGS) was founded in 1984 with the aim of creating a forum for former students of the Karachi Grammar School (KGS).

As OGS blossomed it extended its activities to provide essential financial assistance to needy but meritorious students enabling them to continue their education at major Pakistani educational institutions. – OGS has to date supported over 1000 students.

Over the period 2015-16, OGS reviewed its mandate by reaching out to its membership in Pakistan, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and North America. We conducted focus group sessions online and at our offices in Karachi; members of all ages participated in these and helped frame our vision and define our objectives.

Our vision:

To provide a platform for the alumni of the Karachi Grammar School to strengthen alumni bonds of fellowship, professional association and networking that assists Old Grammarians in demonstrating leadership in all walks of life, and enables us to discharge our responsibilities to society in a voluntary and exemplary manner.

Our objectives:

Our primary objective is to be an effective alumni platform for former Grammarians to network with each other. We will work towards:

  1. Strengthening the KGS alumni network.
  2. Implementing a small number of high-impact initiatives to help current KGS students and the school.
  3. Supporting the wider society in Pakistan.

OGS Infographics:

  1.  Financial Assistance OGS Trust
  2. Difference Between OGS Society and Trust

Our priorities:

Our objectives will be delivered by focusing on three priorities:

  1. Improve networking amongst alumni through a common online platform and events.
  2. Support KGS students, particularly those in A levels, in specific areas.
  3. Agree guidelines and possible initiatives for support to the wider society.

Our activities:

The identified priorities will be pursued through three sets of activities:

  1. Improving networking among alumni:
  • Create an online platform that enables alumni to search for other alums. This will be a comprehensive, searchable online alumni directory.
  • Create an OGS group on LinkedIn.
  • Establish OGS geographic chapters: Karachi (hub), Dubai, London, East Coast, Bay Area.
  • Enable class groups to celebrate major reunions: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30…
  • Create class groups, mentorship groups, social support groups, etc. on the online platform.
  • Organise events – e.g. sports, entertainment – in each geographic chapter.
  1. Support senior KGS students:
  • Career fair
  • College application fair
  • Inspire Speaker Series
  1. Agree guidelines for support to society:
  • Determine criteria for selecting OGS social initiatives.


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